Nouvelle version de ZDoom et GZDoom
Les changements (pour les 2 ports) sont les suivants:
- Added support for Doom 3: BFG Edition's modified IWADs, including No Rest for the Living.
- ACS:
- Made dynamic strings persistent. ACS can now safely generate up to one million new strings.
- Added new functions: Sqrt, FixedSqrt, VectorLength, CheckFont, GetCVarString, GetUserCVar, GetUserCVarString, IsTIDUsed, LineAttack, SetCVar, SetCVarString, SetUserCVar, SetUserCVarString, SpawnDecal, and UniqueTID.
- Added HUD layers, visibility flags, additive blending, and alpha parameter to HudMessage and HudMessageBold.
- Also added HUD message wrapping and clipping with SetHudClipRect and SetHudWrapWidth.
- Added acsprofile console command.
- Added PLAYERINFO_FOV and _DESIREDFOV to GetPlayerInfo.
- Added support for desaturated translations.
- Added the ability to retrieve the ReactionTime, Height and Radius properties through GetActorProperty.
- FLOATBOB things are no longer moved physically when bobbing.
- Added Player.FallingScreemSpeed, Player.GruntSpeed, MinSelectionAmmo1, and Weapon.MinSelectionAmmo2.
- Added random state duration and A_SetTics.
- A_Explode's ''affectsource'' parameter has been turned into a flag. Plus, added NOTMISSILE flag to A_Explode as well as to A_RadiusThrust.
- A_RadiusThrust can use negative ''force'' values.
- Added A_JumpIfTargetInsideMeleeRange, A_JumpIfTargetOutsideMeleeRange, A_SetDamageType, and A_CheckLOF.
- Added JLOSF_NOAUTOAIM flag to A_JumpIfTargetInLOS.
- Added WRF_DISABLESWITCH to A_WeaponReady.
- A_Light can use negative values to darken the scene.
- Added NORANDOMPUFFZ flag to A_CustomPunch, A_FireBullets, and A_CustomBulletAttack.
- Added the ability to adjust the vertical offset of a rail attack to A_RailAttack and A_CustomRailgun.
- Player-fired seeker missiles' range at which the missiles initially lock-on a tracer can be set via MaxTargetRange actor property.
- ReactionTime added to DECORATE expressions.
- Added NoDelay state flag.
- Added Bounce actor states.
- Fixed few cases of DECORATE definitions inaccuracies for Doom, Heretic, Hexen and Strife actors.
- Added the ability to define mod-specific console variables through the addition of the CVARINFO lump.
- Added Floor_RaiseAndCrushDoom.
- FONTDEFS: Backported SPACEWIDTH from ECWolf.
- LANGUAGE: Brazilian Portuguese support.
- MAPINFO: Added ForgetState, RememberState, and SpawnWithWeaponRaised flags for map definitions and NoRandomPlayerclass for GameInfo definitions.
- FluidSynth now recognize libfluidsynth.dll as a valid alias for fluidsynth.dll. Some FluidSynth defaults have also been tweaked.
- OPL emulation now includes two new OPL3 emulators, and you can have the equivalent of up to eight chips for one song. In addition, all OPL emulations support full stereo panning (something the real hardware cannot do).
- Updated foo_DUMB.
- Implemented additive rendering for 3D floors.
- Added Quake-like no-clipping with noclip2.
- Exported the scoreboard text to LANGUAGE.
- The sound system should now precache nearly all sounds used by actor properties and ambient sounds, and the MAPINFO command "PrecacheSounds" can be used to precache other sounds.
- Arbitrary FPS cap with vid_maxfps.
- Increased maximum resolution to 5760×3600.
- Added lightfog property for sidedefs.
- Added ability in UDMF to specify things to spawn by thing specials and Hexen breakable items by names with arg1str, as well as the ability to set initial values to a thing's user variables.
- Added new node format for complex UDMF maps which need fractional precision on node splitters.
- The alternate HUD now features a Berserk indicator and a customizable time display.
- Weapon slots can be configured from the Customize controls menu.
- RandomSpawners now respect -nomonsters.
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